Areas of Practice

Real Estate

Our law firm can assist you in purchasing real property and has the experience to cover any issues that could arise like a cloud on title, evictions, squatters in the property, or foreclosures (either as the borrower or the lender).

Probate and Estate Planning

If someone in your family passed away owning real property or a bank account, our law firm can assist in distributing the asset to the rightful heirs. We also recommend to our clients that they create a plan so that the heirs or beneficiaries know their wishes and assets can easily be transferred at the time of death and avoid paying the high costs and time of filing a probate case.

Personal Injury

Injured in an auto accident or slipped at a business establishment? Our law firm is here to seek out compensation for your damages from the driver or business who negligently caused you harm.

Business Formation and Contracts

Whether you’re opening up your first business by yourself or with a partner, our law firm can assist with creating an agreement between the partners or preparing or reviewing any contracts the company enters into with any third parties.